This school is focused on the physics of solar cells. The goal is to cover the fundamental and basic aspects of photovoltaic devices, and the most advanced concepts that enable the highest efficiencies. It will be shown that the recent progress of the different technologies (silicon, thin-films,…) are based on similar concepts and should mutually inspire each other. A special emphasis will be given to nanoscience and nanotechnologies, which bring new tools and concepts to break the limits of conventional solar cells.
Starting from a general introduction (thermodynamic and device engineering approaches), an overview of the technologies (Si, CIGS, CdTe, III-V, perovskite,…) will first focus on the main trends and challenges. Then, the key aspects of the design and fabrication of solar cells will be reviewed: modeling, photonics, fabrication processes, advanced characterization, interfaces and heterostructures. Initiation of device modeling with an evening practical work will be proposed. Beyond the Shockley-Queisser limit, advanced concepts for high-efficiency solar cells will be also discussed: multi-junction solar cells (including tandem on Si), hot-carriers, intermediate-band, spectral conversion,…
The targeted audience is focused on young scientists (phD or post-docs), but senior scientists new to the field of PV, or wishing to enlarge their knowledge in nanoscience and nanotechnologies are also very welcome.
The flyer with available information can be uploaded here.
Although the deadline has passed, a very limited number of places are still available on Feb. 9th, 2018. You can contact directly the organizers ( if you are interested. More information here.
Application deadline is 31 January 2018.
The first PV School on Physics of Solar Cells: from basics to nanoscience was a great success. Images taken during this amazing week are posted here.
Check the website of the famous Les Houches School of Physics.
Session organized by the CNRS, the IPVF and the MultiscaleSolar COST program:
Stéphane COLLIN, C2N, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud / Paris-Saclay, France
Laurent LOMBEZ, IPVF, CNRS, France
Andrea CATTONI, C2N, CNRS, Univ. Paris-Sud / Paris-Saclay, France
with the help of James Connolly (IPVF, France) and Jean-François Guillemoles (IPVF, CNRS, France).
The PV School 2018 is co-funded with the labex NanoSaclay and organized in partnership with the Société Française d’Optique (SFO), and hosted by the Les Houches School of Physics.
Physics of Solar Cells: from basics to nanoscience (25-30 March 2018)
Les Houches School of Physics